Marina Robb

Marina Robb

I am Founder and Managing Director of Circle of Life Rediscovery CIC and The Outdoor Teacher Ltd, leading organisations that aim to transform education and health through nature.

After years of troubled education, with some great teachers in the mix, I found my way in early adulthood into a timeless journey across Africa, which re-shaped me and on my return, annihilated me. I think this is called a ‘Rite of passage’, where broken into many pieces, we hope to find our way to ‘wholeheartedness’. 

I am curious about how the inner world impacts what I perceive and vice-versa. I am relieved that the natural world is mostly not created by humans.  For me there is hope that if the natural world is indeed ‘visible spirit’, then we are in good hands.


For over 30 years I have worked within outdoor learning and nature connection and aimed to support a deeper understanding of effective nature practice & education at all levels and for a range of diverse backgrounds.

I am qualified teacher (PGCE) and has studied Environmental Education (MA), Environmental Management (BSc) and Social Research (MSc) since 1990. I am a leading Forest School endorsed trainer, nature practitioner & trainer (UK and International) and co-developed the first Level Forest Kindergarten Qualification in England in 2021. I recently completed ‘Dare to Lead’ – Brene Browns flagship training. 

I have pioneered nature programmes within the health sector since 2012, and have received funding from Natural England, Mind and The National Lottery, amongst other grant makers for my outdoor work with teenagers, families and young people with mental health issues, disabilities, dementia and early psychosis. 

My book, ‘Learning with Nature’, forwarded by Chris Packham is considered a must-have book for Forest School & Outdoor practitioners. The Essential Guide to Forest School and Nature Pedagogy is everything you need to know from theory to practice.

I co-chair an innovative Community Woodland, providing nature access to marginalised groups and am an advocate for the Right to Access to Nature and the protection of the natural world for future generations.


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